


As everyone matures past the age of the twenties, the body begins to change. There has been a drive for the fountain of youth as long as we have had a recorded history. Since there is no such magic bullet, it is prudent to look at the functioning of the body to determine what are the controlling factors relating to deterioration with age. The same factors that are influenced by age are, not surprisingly, the factors involved in young adulthood and strength development.


We take into our body solids, liquids, and gases. These are in the form of food, drink, and things in the air.

The body breaks these down into component chemicals. The chemicals are then converted to other chemicals and result in physical, electrical, and magnetic systems. The physical is the mass components that make up the body. The electrical is predominantly a control signal that has feedback to manage body functions. The magnetic is a field that is around the electrical signals.

There is a balance between the chemicals and the systems. There is a tolerance band that is acceptable, but when a component gets out of its operating band, then illness and disease results.

Therefore, it is crucial to manage what goes into and interacts with the body, whether it is healthy and proper food and drink or harmful and dangerous poor nutrition and environmental chemicals.


In our “take a pill and call me in the morning” society, everyone is looking for a quick fix, single treatment for ailments and health challenges. It does not exist. The body is a very intricate, chemical based complex electrical, magnetic, and mechanical (physical) system.

It has multiple alternative routes for providing support to almost any function. For example, the hormone testosterone can be developed in the male sexual organs. It can also be created by the ?adrenal process and body fat?

The same control mechanisms also manages multiple functions. For example the ?pituitary? does


The chemical processes require time to react. There are some things that are almost instantaneous within seconds, like conversion of amino acids to neurotransmitter adrenalin for fight or flight.

Other actions happen in a short term. These are things that happen within hours such as fatty acids conversion to prostaglandin which induces inflammation.

Most repair actions take long term. This is about a season or 90 days. This involves items such as developing hormone support.
7 Pathways

Therefore, to address a problem or challenge requires an approach through multiple paths. There are seven pathways that must be addressed.

Vitamins & minerals
Fatty acids – oils
Hormones & neurotransmitters
Electrical & Magnetic
Physical exercise

Quality, Quantity, & eQuilibrium

Before addressing the pathways, it is important to understand the Q’s. Quality is getting what you expect. Quantity is getting the amount needed. EQuilibrium is getting the balance between different items.

Not all nutraceuticals are equivalent. Several testing labs have reports on the make-up of food supplements by brand and manufacturer.

In most cases the actual ingredients vary from what is stated in the formulation. In many circumstance the quantity of a chemical substance is not given, but it is simply listed as part of a mix. Therefore, it is impossible to customize needs and know whether you are getting too little or too much.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems is the components are mixed with other items that may be counterproductive to you.

Finally some vendors market a maintenance dosage while others have a greater quantity that may be therapeutic.

For chemicals it is necessary to have a balance with other chemicals for a reaction to take place. Without the proper support items and using the correct balance, a deleterious reaction will occur.

Remember that anything you take into the body is a chemical. In some cases it is good for you, in others it is harmful.

Vitamins & Minerals

Every company has a multiple vitamin – mineral concoction. There is not much standardization in formulation. Since the RDA for some items is a minimum, most products vary substantially.

Any foodstuff must be natural, not-synthetic. The body receptors for the various chemical products do not recognize synthetic components. They have a different chemical formulation.


 Herbals are simply plant components that are minimally processed and remain near their original state. As a result, the chemical concentration is lower. These are the basis of grandma’s traditional folk medicine. These are often aromatic spices used for seasoning.

Most drugs are obtained from extracting, concentrating, and synthesizing the “active” ingredient. The synthetic version of the active ingredient is often derived from a hydrocarbon petroleum product.

Research is finding a synergy between the compounds in natural herbs. Therefore, the herbal compound is generally preferred to the synthetic.

The two biggest problems are quality and mixtures which a formulator thinks is beneficial.

Use for specific problem. In time, the body may respond and start producing its own needs. So the herbals may be reduced or eliminated. These are concentrated foods that have an impact on body systems, so use with wisdom.

Homeopathic compounds a special class of herbal products that appear to be an essence. The product is diluted to the point that the original chemicals are very small. They appear to work because they continue to contain the electromagnetic frequency associated with the base chemicals.

Fatty acids

Fatty acids are oils that are derived from food sources. They provide a concentrated source of energy and also provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormonelike substances. Fats slow down absorption so that we can go longer without feeling hungry.

The fatty acids are unique in that they drive functions which control inflammation associated with disease, illness, and health challenges.

There is no such thing as a good or bad fat because the body needs some quantity of all the natural non-synthesized items. Nevertheless, there are those that tend to problems when the body has significant quantities or the quantities are out of balance with other components.

There are numerous compounds in each of the categories. The major components and those that research has provided the most information are listed.

Saturated fatty acids are completely saturated with hydrogen molecules. This is the simplest structure. The four major types are noted.









full fat dairy, hard cheese





red meat





cocoa, red meat

not as bad




Coconut, mom milk


Lauric is a beneficial, plant derived saturated fat. Other than lauric, the saturated fatty acids raise LDL, the bad cholesterol, which contributes to heart disease. Research is still out on the other ways these fats negatively affect the body other than LDL.

The other major category is unsaturated fatty acids. These have less than a full complement of hydrogen molecules. There are three groups of unsaturated fatty acids: polyunsaturated omega 3 and omega 6, and monounsaturated omega 9. The names have to do with the arrangement of the chemicals. Monounsaturated simply means there is a single hydrogen molecule that is missing. Within each group, there are several major components.









Flaxseed, walnuts





marine life





marine, mom milk





Veg & non-veg





borage, black currant, evening primrose












Linoleic in itself is not bad. However, the Western diet has excess quantities. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should be 2:1 up to 4:1. The typical diet is 20:1. This results in excess.

Arachidonic acid is antagonistic and creates chronic inflammation in a weak area of the body. More AA is need when the body is young, but less is needed with age. AA is a safety system in small amounts, but again the typical diet has made it so prevalent that it is out of control and a contributing factor to most cancer, thyroid suppression, and other serious disease including prostatitis.

Excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids will promote the development of arachidonic acid then PGE2. PGE3 will counter the antagonistic effects.








Fish oil

Fatty acid










highly inflammatory





Because of the excessive PGE2 production and resulting negative health effects avoid soy, corn and safflower oils as well as meat from animals that have been fed the products.

Trans-fat is created when an unsaturated fat is hydrogenated to make it have the characteristics of a saturated fat, which is firmer consistency and less prone to becoming rancid. The synthesis creates a compound that is incompatible with cell receptors and causes health problems as arachidonic acid. Avoid all partially hydrogenated fats and resulting trans-fats.

The process of heating unsaturated oil causes it to oxidize and turn rancid.  Only three fats are suitable for heating during the cooking process. Since it is monounsaturated, extra virgin olive oil has less tendency to change states. Organic coconut oil will not turn rancid even if unrefrigerated. Raw butter is also acceptable, even though it is an animal fat.


Hormones are endocrine chemicals that are produced by a set of tissues and transmitted by the blood to the receptor tissue on which it has a stimulating effect. Hormones are grouped in three categories – steroids, peptides, and amines.

Amines are composed of a single amino acid. Peptides are an amide composed of three of more amino acids. Steroids are fat-soluble organic compounds having 17 carbon atoms in 4 rings. They affect the development and growth of the reproductive organs. Steroids are grouped into three categories - progesterone, estrogens, and androgens. All three are present in both males and females. However, the ratio is different.

Steroids are derived from cholesterol. There are two paths for the synthesis of the steroids. One of these is the adrenal route under the control of ACTH. The other is the reproductive organ route under the influence of LH and FSH.

The three adrenal stress hormones are cortisol, DHEA and adrenaline. Adrenaline is the only non-steroid and is short lived. Cortisol is a stress hormone stimulated by physical stress and is long lived. Stress causes high adrenaline, high cortisol, ??? DHEA.

As people age the hormone balance changes. To counteract aging effects, some hormone replacement should be considered.

Hormone Considerations

Hormone replacement
Natural, not synthetic – body receptors reject synthetic
Ample studies show Progestin is harmful
If use too much replacement, body will shut off its own manufacturing mechanism and you will be dependent.

Parent of all steroids
Regulates balance of estrogen and testosterone
For female – must cycle
For male – less quantity, no need to cycle
Not for pregnant women
Transdermal cream
Avoid pills, liver overload
Readily available over the counter
Not Mexican Wild Yam. It is basis for natural, but body will not convert

Everytime an effective precursor is demonstrated, it is removed from market by FDA
Emasculating male population
By prescription only
If levels <250 need it.
Improves libido and sexual desire.
Has less effect on male erectile functions.

To control cortisone
If cut off, may also reduce progesterone & testosterone.

Electrical & Magnetic Considerations
Used to measure
Used to stimulate
Used to control
Accupuncture acupressure
increase blood flow
block pain message across cell wall

Fuel for body
If totally adequate, would require less supplements.
Growing of food
Processing of food
removes nutrients
Whole grains good
processed grains are high carbs

Components of food
Protein, fat, & carbohydrates
Meat protein
Red meat limit hormones, fat
Chicken limit hormones
Deep water fish limit mercury
Cold water better
Plant protein
Beans many varieties

Complex from whole grains & veggies-good
Simple from processed grains, sugars-very bad

Need some,
Entire section on fatty acids

Amino acids neurotransmitters

There are over 50 neurotransmitters. These chemicals are control signals via the neuron synapses. There are numerous functions, so they will be grouped into related activity.

Among other things the neurotransmitters control muscles. These are divided into skeletal, sympathetic, and parasympathetic. The skeletal are the strength muscles. The sympathetic
The hormone neurotransmitters

The hormone neurotransmitters










































                Use it or lose it

                Wear out or rust out

                Specific areas

                General walk, swim, low impact

                Circulation, toning




                Test for specific problem

                Test for general – forehead

                Test for brand makeup


                IE Fish Oil & Borage. Tested all in health food store. Many made weaker, some uh, only one was effective.


The following curves are to show trends and do not reflect actual values or the shape of the curve. Nevertheless, the trends in adulthood do indicate the interrelationship between the steroids and other indicators of health.






 Estradiol tissue

 Estradiol +feedback


 Growth hormone





 Bone density



















Adult                                          Older


It is clear there is a corresponding relationship between many hormones and body functions. It is important that the proper measures be used in correcting any health condition or improving strength.

The next section will identify foods, food derivatives, and supplements that can be used to promote these areas of good health.

This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. It is strictly for educational purposes.

About the author: Dr. Durham is a researcher, scientist, author, lecturer, forensic investigator, and university professor who is recognized in numerous Who’s Who.

Marcus O. Durham, PhD
8/21/2003  - 3/13/2008