Table Of Contents
Systems Design
Who Is This


1. What Is Your Background?.... 1
What are you talking about - Culture - Outside effect - Language - Translation - Who is on first - Guiding Principles

2. Icon, Image, and Likeness.... 9
Back to basics - Man is an icon - Science accord - God is in the details - Pattern of analysis

3. Can You Count to Three?.... 14
Pattern - Check the original language - Retranslate - Location, location, location - Mind over matter - Word pictures - What about theology - A little history - Contemplation

4. Name That God.... 23
Pattern - A majority of one, God - Hovering, Spirit - What is proper, Yehovah - What is that sir, Lord  - What is in a name - Associations
5. Nicknames, Combos, and Specials.... 29
Names mean things - El combo - Yehovah combo - I am - With us - The concepts

6. Attributes Are the Ultimate.... 35
Structure - Philosophy category:  Perfect - Unique - Infinite - Fun with numbers - Science category:  Stable - Perpetual - Everywhere - Personality category:  Absolute - Self sufficient - All knowing - What does it all mean?

7. What a Character.... 47
Society needs - Where from - Personal application - Virtue - Morality - Integrity

8. More Character.... 53
Expanding an idea - Internal:  Compassion - Charisma - Calm - Horizontal:  Patience - Kindness - Virtue - Vertical:  Confidence - Gentleman - Control - Legal concepts:  Mercy - Just - Free - Application

9. In the Name of Jesus.... 65
History pivot - What is the proper name, Jesus - Annointed, Christ - A hovering, Spirit - A title, Lord - A full house - I am - Your commission - A composite picture - The final curtain

10. Titles, Tags, and Terms.... 77
What's up - Forecast - Nom de plume?

11. Genealogy 101 - Pre Deluge 92
History Pivot - Messianic prophecy and promise - History repeats itself - What about ages - Ussher in time - The spitting image - For whom the bell tolls - A notable exception - Ancient of ancients - Preparation for a new beginning - Favor in the eyes - Father of us all - Why the tree

12. Genealogy 201 - Linguistics.... 107
History repeats - Human government - Archaeology and history - The boys - Shem, Ham, and Japheth - Where did the big group go - Where did the other travelers go - Dynasties - The home boys - All for one and one for all - Pangaea - Time and again - Mythology and Melchizadek - One family only

13. Genealogy 301 - Royalty.... 120
A new celebrity - Leaving Chaldea - A new dispensation - Isaac - Jacob - Judah - From Egypt - Kinsman redeemer - The king has entered the building - The wisest man - The royals - The family line - The merger - The royal line to Joseph - The bloodline to Mary - Deity line of father - Dispensation

14. Spirit Is in the Air.... 134
Third study - Always there - Guiding - Protector - Positive attitude - Control model - Change of control - Change point - Good old days - Ask and receive

15. Angels - Spirits of Another Kind 144
Variety of life - Realms - Angel created - Order in the court - Government branch - Service branch - Relations branch - Named ones - Deuterocanonical - Timing - Procreation - Left home - I will - Center of the earth - Light versus darkness - Super majority

16. Other Gods.... 161
The tale tells - Early time - What manner of person is this - Nimrod - Egypt - Online encyclopedia - The Greek Titans - The Greek Olympians - Israel foreigners - What is next

17. Angel of the Lord.... 171
Another angel - Could it be - Contact - Guardians - Spirit condition

18. Gifts of Spirit.... 176
Talents - Operation - Search - Miracle workers - Be well - Service - Language - Free indeed

19. Spirit Influence.... 185
Check the spirits - Positive attitude - Positive or negative fruit - Weigh every thought - It's your money - Come again

20. Who Is This God to You?.... 193
It's your choice - Planetary changes - Life cycle of faults - Meddling - Ignorance - The rest of the story - Stimulus - Charisma - More Stimuli - Why do bad things happen to good people - I feel

21. Recap.... 207
Foundations - Trinity - Attributes - Character - In the name of Jesus - Spirit - Spirit of another kind - Other gods - Angel of the Lord - Other spirits.

References.... 215

Authors.... 216

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