
Senior Design I 

EE 4103

Electrical Engineering Senior Design I




Economic and financial decisions are the primary criteria for measurement of the success of a project.  A number one best seller has been written that discusses finances and how private companies are developed.  He had three financial books on the best seller list at the same time.


The author owns several independent businesses and is a multi-millionaire.  The best proof comes from those who have demonstrated their theory.  This is the required text for the class.


Prepare a written review of the book.  DO NOT MAKE A SUMMARY. We have all read the book.   Particularly address what your personal observations and perspectives are in relation to the book.  Discuss what your learned and how you think it may influence your decisions. 


As a team, prepare and present a review of the book.  This must include visuals and other material.  All members of the team must talk.  Notice the time is very short, so present your key material.  It is not desirable to do a summary.  Discuss what you learned and how it may impact your decisions. If you run overtime, you will be penalized.




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