EE7073 is a graduate class open
to any engineering discipline. Case studies, guest
lectures, and a professor with 20 years industrial management
experience prepare the engineer for the transition to
management. Spring Semester.
ES 3083 covers economics of decision making. Check our
paper on changing paradigms for technologists. The
recommended books are best sellers in personal financial
success. Alternate
semesters. |
in Design
EE 4263 is a microprocessor design class. We start with
a bag of parts and build a control computer. Look at the
manual and the downloads. Fall semester. |

& Instrumentation
EE3033 is the machines class that
addresses electrical, magnetic, and mechanical
considerations. Students obtain parts, fabricate,
and demonstrate a series of small scale projects that
demonstrate the principles. In addition, projects used
in Instrumentation design are available.
Digital Design
EE2163 is the
introductory class to logic, specifically as applied
to true/false as 1/0 in an electrical circuit. The
techniques and math are the same as any logic
systems. The design implements the logic is a
fundamental decision making machine. Digital design
is the foundation to computer architecture and
Design I
EE4103 is the
first senior design class for
electrical engineers. Students
work on a team to develop, design, fabricate,
and demonstrate a major project.
The teams compete for the design
that will return the most
profit. Finances are a
topic. Fall Semester. |
Design II
EE4203 is the capstone class for
electrical engineers. Students propose, design, fabricate,
and demonstrate a major project. In addition, work place
environment is a topic.
Spring Semester.
EE2003 is the
introductory class that discusses matrices, LaPlace,
impedance, op amps, and alternating current. Students
primarily work problems.
Study / Thesis / Design Report
Independent study is
to permit the student to investigate areas of
study not normally covered in the scheduled
curriculum. It is assumed the student is highly
self-motivated and will take on much of the role
for investigating new material. The Professor will
guide the direction of research and monitor
progress. The insights and experience can be
Professional Engineering Review
A review course in
preparation for the Principles and Practices
professional exam is taught through the Division
of Continuing Education. The six 3-hour sessions
investigate problems in a book written for the
development and association is critical to the
success of a scientist. My professional profile
, affiliations, and association are listed along with links to
the organizations.
professor brings over 30 years of
industrial experience in
engineering, management, training
and international trade. This
provides a real world focus into the
academic setting.