


EE 4263/6563 - Microprocessors in Digital Design


Fall 2008

Time: TT 9:30-11:00 AM


EE 2163


Dr. Marcus O. Durham, PE

Office Hours:


Office: U395






The aim of this course is to introduce microprocessors and the basic principles of applying and connecting the microprocessor to the outside world.  The class will include both lecture and hands-on components.  The 8051 family microcomputer, originally designed by Intel, will be the basic device.

Text & Material

Systems Design and the 8051, Second Edition  by Dr. Marcus O. Durham, TechnoPress, 2004



The class is built on completion of multiple projects and completion of the FE exam. Therefore, additional exams are not required.



Take FE exam

Pass wireless exam, meeting & report, project

Homework, quizzes, class participation, IEEE meeting

Professor judgment (quantum number, all tasks completed)

For all assignments, after each day late, 5% will be deducted up to a maximum of 50%.








Letter grades:

Division points between letter grades will be based on student performance and best judgment of the instructor.



As an integration of technical principles and practices, amateur radio includes every facet of electrical engineering from digital and power to controls, signal processing, and wireless rf signals. It provides a spectrum to experiment with any medium. For this component, pass the entry level, technician license. In addition, attend a club meeting and make a one paragraph memo about the time, location, speaker and topics discussed. Complete a project option of your choice and prepare a memo. The supplemental text is Technician Class Amateur Radio, Element 2, by Gordon West, Master Publishing.


Professional development is a continuing requirement of engineers. IEEE is the largest engineering professional society on the planet. For this component, attend  a student or section meeting and make a one paragraph report about the time, location, speaker and topics discussed.


1. Attendance in class is expected. Points will be taken off final grade for poor attendance, particularly in the form of class participation and evaluation of and by colleagues.

2. There is no such thing as a stupid question, except the one not asked. Chances are others don't understand it either.

3. Students are expected to seek assistance if necessary. The instructor interprets students coming to his office to ask questions as eager beavers worthy of high grades. Students in trouble who don't try to straighten out their problems immediately and then say simply, "I never understood that" are in more trouble than they think.

4. No make up exams or late assignments will be permitted unless arranged in advance.

5. Fallibility of instructors is uncommon. However, in the unlikely event of a difference in opinion on grading, the question must be resolved within three days. Senility is common. Therefore, grades are as-is where-is for time greater than three days after posting.

Your job: 

The professor recognizes that problems of learning, earning, yearning, spurning, squirming and slumbering are unique to student life. Such problems will be treated with civility by a southern gentleman, but not with a great deal of compassion. You are a unique individual, wonderfully made, but the University environment demands your working within the same constraints imposed on others.


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