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The failure analysis professionals

Specialists in
energy systems
mechanical, &

World class consultants for over 30 years.

There is only one way:
The right way.

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Engineering - Utility Support
transformer failure

Power Producers

Utilities and independent power producers provide the electrical infrastructure necessary for virtually every perceived stationary energy solution. Our clients include some of the largest utilities and the largest independent power producer in the world.


Transmission lines provide the interconnect between energy sources and users. These systems operate in excess of 69,000 volts to the neighborhood of 500 kV.

We perform transmission studies and support in several power pools including the Southwest Power Pool and New York.  more
 heald gen


Generation is the conversion of energy sources to electrical power. Our experience includes traditional sources of natural gas, oil, coal, and nuclear as well as alternatives such as solar, wind, and co-generation.

We have been project managers and have assisted municipalities and industrial giants with development of their generation systems.

Size of generation projects has varied from 15 horsepower induction units to 500 megawatt utility systems.   more
utility line 


Distribution systems are frequently owned and operated by industrial entities to support their varied, large scale operations. These may be utility sized overhead systems to plants larger than municipalities.

We have designed, planned, and written corporate standards for development of power systems.

Our distribution systems have varied from 4160 volts to 25 kV.    more
okgov capitol


Economic analysis and regulatory response are an integral component of utility projects.

We have provided expert testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state regulatory bodies in utility rate cases, hearings, and plant justifications. We can help move your project through the government system.    more

Contract Negotiation

Contracts for electrical supply between a utility and large power users requires an in depth understanding of the utility system, the regulatory environment,  and the special needs and operating conditions of the industrial user.

With our diverse backgrounds with large industrials and with utilities we are uniquely positioned to develop the best solution for both parties.

The regulatory environment, the utility supply, and the user demands are constantly changing.

We can help you find and implement the most cost effective utility rate for your situation.

Power Quality

Harmonics and power quality are issues that disturb performance of electrical power entities.

We were early innovators and researchers in resolution of the issues. See our papers for articles.   more

Research and problem resolution requires instrumentation and laboratory equipment. We have premier facilities and equipment.    more


We are independent professionals with no vested interest.

What are your generation, transmission, or distributions issues? We can help.
Contact us directly.
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